Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Maldives Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Maldives - Research Paper Example It not only contributed the most to the country’s GDP but also became the country’s greatest contributor to earning foreign currency (Ministry of Tourism, 2011). Over the years, Maldives has been a tourist attraction based on its tropical setting and favourable climate. Its aesthetic quality gives it the appearance of a paradise on the earth. Away from the hustle and bustle of daily lives, it attracts tourists from all over the world to enjoy tranquillity in its clear water and tropical climate. The several islands and blissful beaches of Maldives are ideal for relaxation. Maldives offers extraordinary underwater scenery and taking advantage of its clear waters, the islands have introduced water-sporting activities such as scuba diving, water skiing and kite boarding (Masters 2006). Recently, Maldives has been acknowledged as one of the best destinations of the world to experience recreational diving (Garrod et al 2008). Alongside these positive aspects of tourism in Ma ldives, it must be noted that this flourishing sector is also resulting in some adverse effects on the wildlife of the islands and their natural surroundings. The increasing numbers of tourists that visit Maldives throughout the years are known to be a cause of disruption of the natural environment of Maldives’ wildlife. Due to this large influx of tourists visiting the islands, Maldives is experiencing a slow yet massive decline in its wildlife (Shelton 2010). Ormond, a leading scientist at SaveOurSeas Foundation, claimed that even though tourism may provide the financial support to preserve the water species, it may negatively affect the feeding patterns of the animals, which may migrate or decline in population; therefore, degrading the wildlife experienced by the tourists. In 2009, Maldives was awarded the title of Marine Protected Area (MPA) and laws and regulations were enacted for control and prevention of harm to the islands’ flora, fauna and wildlife. Despite these laws and regulations, the wildlife is declining, mainly because of the lack of effective reinforcement of these laws. Stevens, a researcher working to save the lives of the manta rays, claims that without ensuring quick control on numbers of tourists and other regulations regarding the influx of people, the islands will experience a great negative impact due to its largest contributor towards economy. Therefore, proper management must be enacted for the betterment of wildlife and the tourist experience (Shelton 2010). Moreover, in the last three decades of flourishing tourism, Maldives has experienced a rise in the number of resorts available to tourists on the islands. However, interestingly, the locals do not reside in the same areas where the resorts are located. Therefore, the tourists are quite segregated from the local population of the islands. This limits the positive and negative impacts on both the tourists and the locals. The tourists may be unable to understand the culture or even the frustration the locals feel at the negative impacts of tourism while the locals may be unable to grasp foreign cultures and therefore, exposure to the international world is limited. II) Historical Origins   Initially, the economy of Maldives was almost entirely based on fisheries, yet towards the end of the 20th century, Maldives became introduced to the world as a tourist spot. Since

Monday, October 28, 2019

Esther and Book of Job Comparison Essay Example for Free

Esther and Book of Job Comparison Essay In one of the assigned readings, I came across story of a Jewish woman named Esther who had suffered from cancer. The uniqueness of her journey touched me incredibly when I learned about her own personal struggle with the disease. It is an amazing but sad story in the sense that Esther copes with her cancer in a shame related way, believing that she is suffering from her sins. Esther is unhappily married and ends up having an affair with her boss, and she perceives cancer as a punishment from God for her sin. As told in the story written by Dr, Jerome Groopman in book the â€Å"The Anatomy of Hope†, Esther waits quite a long time before seeking treatment, and her tumor is very large before she decides to receive medical attention. The author of the books shares his own experience as a resident in the hospital, getting into depth about her family issues, problems, and reactions to her illness. Esher’s character can be compared with similar reading from the bible called â€Å"Book of Job† in that both characters believe to be suffering by the hand of Satan, although this is not true in reality. In this particular reading, Satan comes to accuse wealthy Job before God. He insists that Job only serves God because God protects him, and Satan seeks God’s permission to test Job’s faith and loyalty. In Satan’s test, Job loses his wealth, family and health. Three of his friends come to try to comfort him and keep telling him that his tragedy is a punishment for past sins in his life. At this point, I was able to notice similarities to Esther’s experience in that she saw cancer as punishment for her infidelity. In the old testament of the Bible, Job’s friends tell him that he needs to remain humble and allow God to purify his life. Like Job, Esther is torn between believing in God’s punishment and willing to bet better. At first, she seeks the treatment way too late, but at least she does. She shares her secret with Dr. Groopman within a health venting session, also part of the healing process, and at this part we get to know Esther as a person not just as patient. Furthermore, after the dinner at Esther’s house and the significance of her husband’s prayer, Esther feels so guilty that she never follows up with her appointment and stops the rest of the treatment. Like Job, Esther is torn apart by her belief that she should suffer and often loses the will to place faith in God and hope for better health. The story of Esther ends tragically due to Esther’s unyielding feelings of guilt. She lost the battle with cancer and died after receiving treatment in the most advanced stage of the disease. On the other side, in the Bible, Job questions God and learns the valuable lesson about the sovereignty of God and his need to trust in Lord. After Job places trust in God, his prosperity and health returns. Here is where Esther and Job differ. While Job regains his faith and his prosperity, Esther is continually haunted by shame and consequently loses her health. I think that God’s desire was to purify Esther, and that could be reason behind her disease, but Esther not seeking treatment was her own negative way of coping with the sin. Esther did not believe in God’s will, for her to be purified, and she suffered until her death. In my opinion, Esther was so focused on the idea of punishment that she missed the whole point of purifying her soul. I think of God as the greatest, and it is hard for me to believe that our Lord would want Esther to suffer without the treatment. Job in the bible submitted himself to God and regained his lost goods, but Esther did what she believed was right but she ended up dying at the end. Esther did not want to receive chemotherapy thinking she did not deserve it, and her mind was full of doubt. Both characters achieved purity at the end, but Esther’s was not aware of it. She allowed punishment and suffering to continue. The lesson from the bible is that we need to trust and obey God. Some things cannot be thoroughly explained in human terms, but we still need to always submit to His good will.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Deceitful Fence Essay -- Biography, Troy Maxson

There are many causes that molded Troy Maxson into the dishonest, cantankerous, hypocritical person that he is in August Wilson’s play, â€Å"Fences† (1985). Troy had an exceptionally unpleasant childhood. He grew up with a very abusive father that beat him on a daily basis. His mother even abandoned him when he was eight years old. In this play, Troy lies habitually and tries to cover himself up by accusing others of lying. He is a very astringent person in general. His dream of becoming a major league baseball player was crushed as a result of his time spent in jail. By the time he was released from jail, he was too old to play baseball efficiently. Troy is a very self-centered individual. He is only concerned with issues regarding him. For instance, he wants to be able to drive the trash trucks at his job like the white men do. In Act One, scene one, Troy tells Bono that he talked to his boss, Mr. Rand, about driving the trucks. â€Å"How come you got all the whites driving and the colored lifting?† (1332). If things in Troy’s life aren’t going the way he wants them to, he makes himself into the victim and searches for sympathy from others. In addition, if he ever does something erroneous, he never accepts responsibility, never admits his wrongdoing and no matter how much anguish he causes someone, he never apologizes for it. Even though Troy does not physically abuse his children like his father did to him, he verbally abuses them. He treats Cory very callously and unjustly. In a way, Troy is taking out his frustrations of having an unsuccessful baseball career by not allowing Cory to pursue his dream to play football. Troy crushed Cory’s dream. In Act One, scene four, Cory expresses his misery. â€Å"Why you wanna do that to me? That w... ...oes tell the truth. He talks truthfully about his father and how he is a lot like him. He also admits that the only difference with him and his father is that he does not beat his children. Troy provided for his family. Additionally, even though he was very tough on Cory, he admitted that he was responsible for taking care of him and the rest of the family. In Act One, scene three, Troy explains to Cory why he treats him the way he does. Cory asks, â€Å"How come you ain’t never liked me?† (1346). Troy can’t admit to like his own son, so points out that he doesn’t have to like him in order to provide for him. â€Å"[†¦] ‘Cause it’s my duty to take care of you. I owe a responsibility to you! [†¦] I ain’t got to like you† (1347). Deep down, somewhere in the dark abyss that is Troy’s heart, he sincerely cares about his family. He just has a very different way of articulating it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Minstrels :: essays research papers

Minstrels   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Minstrels, or traveling thespians, thrived throughout Europe in medieval times. The term minstrel referred to a professional entertainer of any kind from the 12th century to the 17th century. Minstrels were instrumentalist, but were also often jugglers, acrobats, and storytellers. Although minstrels no longer exist, they played an important role in medieval history and, at one time, could be found, in one form or another, throughout the entire continent of Europe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Different countries had different names for minstrels. In Germany, they were called minnesingers. In France, they were known as troubadours and joungleurs. The Scandinavian minstrels were called skalds. The Irish called their minstrels bards, while the English minstrels were referred to as scops.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Minstrels were primarily singers and musicians. These wandering performers were also story tellers, jugglers, clowns, and tumblers. Often minstrels were an important part of prominent house holds providing entertainment for the upper class of society. Those minstrels who were not part of a noble's homestead, traveled from town to town providing entertainment not only to noble classes but also to common village folk as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were not many forms of entertainment, nor was there a means for people to learn about news events. There was no television or radio in medieval times. Even books were very scarce. Minstrels served to entertain the public. They made up songs, stories, and repeated ballads and folk tales popular during this time. Traveling from town to town minstrels were also a source of news. This would share information with the townspeople of the village. The townspeople would share this news with the minstrels who would then share this news with the townspeople in the next village in which they performed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each country in medieval Europe had their own type of minstrel. Each, while similar in their general role of entertainer, they were different in many ways. Troubadour's, French minstrels, flourished in from the 11th century through the 13th century. Troubadours were found in the southern part of France. The troubadours were among the first minstrels to use their native tongue rather than Latin. The Latin language was considered the literary language of the middle ages. There were approximately 400 troubadours who were known to have lived. The majority of them were nobles and some were even kings (Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Originally troubadours sang their poems, later they were accompanied by jongleurs who played musical instruments. The musical instruments the jongleurs played were the fiddle and the lute. The subject of their songs were based on topics such as love ,politics, religion, war, and death. Approximately 400 melodies and 4000 poems have been preserved from medieval troubadours (Microsoft

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab Formal Write Up

Purpose : This lab was conducted in order to show and analyze the way DNA is extracted.Hypothesis: If the lab is conducted properly then we should be able to view a visible amount of DNA from the strawberry and detergent mixture.Variables: The independent variable in this experiment is the strawberry mixture while the dependent variable is the amount of DNA extracted.Procedure-summary: Place a strawberry in a plastic baggy filled with the detergent mix and crush the strawberry, mixing the pulp with the detergent mix thoroughly, pour the detergent mixture into the funnel. Let the liquid from the mixture drain into the beaker then add the ethanol to the mixture.Data:Observations- The ethanol sat on top of the detergent due to its lighter density. Bubbles started rising as soon as the ethanol was added durn turning the liquid cloudy. The DNA grouped rapidly, taking no longer than two to three minuets total before slowing down and seeming to stop grouping. The DNA itself looked like sput um or phlegm, and was easily extracted from the mixture and sticky to the touch. When the DNA was extracted from the test tube and the mixture was stirred, more DNA started to collect at the top.Analysis:-As the strawberry is physically mashed into the detergent the cells are broken down and opened. The ethanol is else dense than the mixture and draws the now accessible DNA to the surface where it is viewable.-In comparing the extraction of strawberry DNA compared to human DNA, given a sample of the same amount of cells, there would be more DNA extracted from the strawberry for it has eight sets of chromosomes while humans just have two sets.-In real world situations DNA extraction would be used in something as complex as a murder investigation, in which DNA would have to be extracted to match a perpetrator to the evidence, or as simple as a pregnancy test.-A single cotton thread can not be seen from 100 feet away, but thousands of cotton threads together in a rope would be visible. The same applies to DNA in this experiment. A single double helix is hard to view even with the most complex of microscope, but when thousands of sticky little DNA strands bind together in the ethanol solution they become visible to the human eye.-Based on prior knowledge I know that the extraction of human DNA from mussel tissue is quite similar to the extraction of DNA from a strawberry and also ethanol based. That fact is to be expected for really there is no major cellular difference between strawberries and humans minus the fact that one is plant and the other is animal. Both are eukaryotic.Conclusion:In the experiment, DNA was successfully extracted from a strawberry, demonstrating the process a real life scientists would possibly extract DNA from cells. The lab was intact successful for the group and I were able to extract a visible amount of DNA from the mixture.There was really no source of error in this lab due to its simplicity. I feel in order to improve this lab, we sh ould compare the amount of strawberry DNA to another fruit like a banana or kiwi. I personally learned the physical process of DNA extraction as well as what DNA looks like.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

French Idiomatic Expressions With Matin and Matinée

French Idiomatic Expressions With Matin and Matinà ©e The French words matin  and  matinà ©e  both mean morning and both are used in many idiomatic expressions. The  difference between the two is that  un matin  is a straightforward expression of time (the morning), while  une  matinà ©e  indicates a duration of time, usually stressing the length of time, as in the whole morning long.  Learn how to say dawn, repeatedly, sleep late  and more with these idiomatic expressions using matin  and  matinà ©e. This is a general principle that applies as well to other confusing pairs of words, such as  an  and  annà ©e,  jour  and  journà ©e,  and  soir  and  soirà ©e.  Note that the shorter words in each case representing a straightforward period of time are all masculine; the longer words indicating a stretch of time are all feminine. In the list below, note that while  de bon matin  is an acceptable expression, bon matin is not. Non-native speakers of French sometimes make the mistake of using bon matin to mean good morning, but this construction does not exist in French. The acceptable morning greeting is always simply  bonjour. Common French Expressions With Matin and  Matinà ©e   prendre matin, midi et soir to be taken three times a day Araignà ©e du matin, chagrin; araignà ©e du soir, espoir. (proverb) A spider in the morning, sadness (or,  bad luck); a spider at night, hope ( or, good luck) au matin de sa vie at the beginning / in the first years of ones life (when everything seems possible) au petit matin at dawn de bon matin early in the morning de grand matin early in the morning du matin au soir from morning till night à ªtre du matin to be an early riser tous les quatre matins repeatedly, again and again un de ces quatre matins one of these days une matinà ©e afternoon performance une matinà ©e dansante dance, informal afternoon dance party dans la matinà ©e (sometime) in the morning fair la grasse matinà ©e sleep late, sleep in

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Compare and Contrast of Two American Writers Hemingway and Faulkner

to describe both characters and setting. Examples of diction usage for setting are found in the title, â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place† (Hemingway 141) and â€Å"pleasant† (Hemingway 143). The two waiters describe the customer as a â€Å"clean old man...a good client† (Hemingway 141). Hemingway’s choice of diction was blunt and to the point. The diction usage does not let the reader get funny ideas or leeway to think anything other than what Hemingway says. This element of Hemingway’s style reflects when the young waiter states the old man is â€Å"drunk† (Hemingway 141). The young waiter does not suggest he was tip... Free Essays on Compare and Contrast of Two American Writers Hemingway and Faulkner Free Essays on Compare and Contrast of Two American Writers Hemingway and Faulkner Styles of Two Great American Writers A writer’s style distinguishes him from other writers. The style a writer uses to write a story clearly indicates the tone of a story,vital for the reader to understand the story. The style of a writer is made up of different traits and characteristics used to write the story. These traits and characteristics include and are not limited to symbolism, characterization, and other elements. When evaluating a literature piece for style one should analyze the following five elements: diction, images, details, language, and sentence structure. Two well-known American writers with completely different styles are Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. Hemingway and Faulkner’s similarities and differences in style become apparent when comparing and contrasting two of their famous short stories, â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place† by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"Barn Burning† by William Faulkner. Diction involve word choices a writer makes for his story. These word choices may be used to achieve an overall feeling from a reader toward a story. Diction also reflects the writer’s attitude toward his subject. Ernest Hemingway’s choice of diction in â€Å"A Clean, Wells of diction usage for setting are found in the title, â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place† (Hemingway 141) and â€Å"pleasant† (Hemingway 143). The two waiters describe the customer as a â€Å"clean old man...a good client† (Hemingway 141). Hemingway’s choice of diction was blunt and to the point. The diction usage does not let the reader get funny ideas or leeway to think anything other than what Hemingway says. This element of Hemingway’s style reflects when the young waiter states the old man is â€Å"drunk† (Hemingway 141). The young waiter does not suggest he was tip...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

At the opening of act V of the tempest Essay Example

At the opening of act V of the tempest Essay Example At the opening of act V of the tempest Paper At the opening of act V of the tempest Paper e. g. the use of antithesis tells us about the once evil Prospero (`fury` and `vengeance`),and tells us about the now kind and forgiving Prospero (`reason` and `virtue`). This essay has now analysed and explained some of the numerous ways in which Shakespeare assists the audience into believing in Prospero’s abrupt change of heart.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The history and the future of GPS Research Paper - 1

The history and the future of GPS - Research Paper Example Another series of GPS Block III is under development process which would be able to give more powerful signals and better (PNT). The Global Positioning System provides information related to time and location. It is a satellite navigation system which works well in all weather conditions on and close to the earth (Global Positioning System). It is owned and maintained by the United States of America and serves in the PNT i.e. positioning, navigation and timing. GPS has played vital role in modernizing the Air Traffic System and it has benefitted the military, army, civil and commercial users all around the world. The whole system is basically divided into three major segments including Space segment, Control segment and User segment. The first two are developed and operated by the US Air Force (GPS overview). The space segment consists of a group of satellites which form a particular shape in the space and transmit radio signals to the users. At least 24 satellites are available in the space 95% of the time (Space segment). The control segment represents all the ground facilities that monitor the satellites, analyze their data and keep a check on their performance (control segment). The user segment is used to calculate the user’s three dimensional position and time by GPS receiver equipment which receives the information from the satellites and transmit it to the GPS receiver device (user segment). GPS was developed by the US Department of Defense (DoD) and started its operations in 1994. The previous navigation systems had some limitations and drawbacks which actually gave rise to the creation of GPS. The project was developed in 1973 by the unification of ideas from the previously working navigation systems (National Research Council U.S.). Originally it ran with 24 satellites. The first experimental GPS I satellite was launched in 1978 and by 1985 ten more satellites were

Friday, October 18, 2019

How Will Retail Look like in 2020 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

How Will Retail Look like in 2020 - Essay Example Consumer changes, preferences, and tastes are constantly changing giving the retail sector a new look. By 2020, the retail sector will have more connected consumers, increased trust and transparency, buying will be frictionless, a change in-store experience, and will be more challenging to retailers.Considering the ostensible fact that the 2020 consumers will be more tech-savvy than the present, they will be more connected through wearable technology. While laptops, tablets, and smartphones will undoubtedly have their place, digitally connected contact lenses, earpieces, and watches will imply that the consumers will be permanently connected. Consequently, customers will straightforwardly blunderbuss online marketing thus living in a world where their buying decisions will be influenced by personalized recommendations. The unwarranted staff costs attributable to property leasing and gratuitously lengthy trading hours will be eliminated as wholesalers and manufacturers will have recog nized how lucrative and simple it is to make undeviating online sales. Apparently, this will bring consumers close to the manufacturers thus jettisoning the middlemen who often hike the prices of retail goods.Additionally, buyers will buy by a single command without having to click severally. Chatting with retailers, choosing products, trying samples, and getting endorsements will be fast and proficient. This will also be bolstered by the mixture of frictionless imbursement systems and virtual currencies such as the Bitcoin Mark 5 that will be in circulation. More contactless technologies will be in existence particularly considering the speed at which the US and UK consumers are embracing the technologies. A good example is the NFC (Near Field Communications) technology which is presently making it a realistic to pay for a myriad of products ranging from bus tickets to chocolate with merely a tap of the credit card. The PayPal and services will be extremely advanced. The 20 20 customers will simply use their mobile phones to make and implement pay arrangements (Kare-Silver 72). Similarly, retailers will concentrate more on the use of social forums such as Twitter and Facebook plummeting street shopping. The number of retailers running ‘real’ shops will, thus, be enormously abridged. However, as the intrinsic need to touch and feel will still be high, consumers will still visit stores maintaining the resilient social component connected with shopping as asserted by Meng (N.p).

Was the Iraq War worth the human and material costs suffered by the Essay

Was the Iraq War worth the human and material costs suffered by the Allied coalition and Iraqi people - Essay Example The aforementioned suffered high costs various ways including social cost, economic cost, security cost and human cost, the most devastating of all being the human cost – it is literally breathtaking (Wallis, 2010). According to a 2004 study by the ‘Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy In Focus’, between the commencement of war in March 2003 and September 22 the following year, 1,175 coalition forces lost their lives, comprising 1,040 United States’ military. Other deaths include those of contractors, civilian workers as well as missionaries, with their total estimates ranging from 50 to 90 lost lives, thirty-six of which were identified as Americans. This is in addition to uncalled for life termination of thirty innocent international Journalists, with eight of them being U.S. media companies’ workers (, 2004). The study also revealed that following the U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation in Iraq, by June 16, 2004, deaths o f Iraqi civilians ranged between 9,436 and 11,317, with an estimate of 40,000 Iraqis sustaining severe injuries. This is in addition to approximately 4,895 Iraqi insurgents and soldiers who were killed during ‘major combat’ operations. There has also been a great health concern on the effects of using depleted uranium weaponry in Iraq.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Summa Theologica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summa Theologica - Essay Example Second evidence of the existence of God is based on the concept of efficient cause which means that one thing can only cause change to another. This will result in a chain of questioning the first cause, thus, the existence of God is the answer. The third evidence that Aquinas presented is also based on the chain of causes. According to him, one thing owes existence to another which is based on the view of â€Å"possibility and necessity.† This means that an object’s existence is based on pre-existing things. He argued that all things exist due to a certain need by another and only God exists for His own reason (Aquinas, 1996; Kretzmann and Stump, 1993). These three proofs can be contradicted by most contemporary theories of the existence of things. But in this case Aquinas is theorizing the existence of God through scientific views. Faith is the main evidence in the existence of God since he is the first mover, the first cause and the one who exists based on his own reason. Aquinas’s views on the existence of God though had been refuted by most philosophers specifically in the rise of the concepts of evolution and intelligent design. Basically evolution is the scientific view of the existence of the different entities, both living and non-living in the world as advocated by Charles Darwin. This is the main contradicting view against the religious views of creation. On the other hand, through the continuous study of the said issue, the rise of the concept of intelligent design occurred which is known to be the bridge between the two concepts. It falls between the two concepts. It in fact intersects the two fields of study, sc ience and theology. Based on the said view, the universe existed due to intelligent causes such as natural selection. Thus, it unites the two views (Dembski, 2002). Although, experts from both sides are questioning the said view, the message of unity can be considered as an important merit. Other philosophers such

Significant person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Significant person - Essay Example The size of his feet and hands is normal, not too big or too small. His head is square shaped with a notably short neck and narrow shoulders. He has a birth mark of two black dots on the other shoulder with two hairs and we use to call them cockroaches and he enjoys it. His sense of hearing is exceptionally good and his voice is loud when he talks. His voice also vibrates when he laughs and he is always smelling cigarettes in his breath when you are closer to him. He likes to use gestures when speaking like nodding the head when emphasising a point. He keeps a moustache which makes her facial expression look fun. My father is 59 years old and is an ambassador and I mostly admire him for his great achievements in life. He finished his high school in Qatar and obtained a diploma in Lebanon. He went on to obtain a Masters Degree in San Diego, CA. He is married and has six children of which four are boys and two are girls. We are originally from Qatar but we are living here because of his ambassadorial post. His position gives him status in the society though I am not very familiar with his

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Summa Theologica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summa Theologica - Essay Example Second evidence of the existence of God is based on the concept of efficient cause which means that one thing can only cause change to another. This will result in a chain of questioning the first cause, thus, the existence of God is the answer. The third evidence that Aquinas presented is also based on the chain of causes. According to him, one thing owes existence to another which is based on the view of â€Å"possibility and necessity.† This means that an object’s existence is based on pre-existing things. He argued that all things exist due to a certain need by another and only God exists for His own reason (Aquinas, 1996; Kretzmann and Stump, 1993). These three proofs can be contradicted by most contemporary theories of the existence of things. But in this case Aquinas is theorizing the existence of God through scientific views. Faith is the main evidence in the existence of God since he is the first mover, the first cause and the one who exists based on his own reason. Aquinas’s views on the existence of God though had been refuted by most philosophers specifically in the rise of the concepts of evolution and intelligent design. Basically evolution is the scientific view of the existence of the different entities, both living and non-living in the world as advocated by Charles Darwin. This is the main contradicting view against the religious views of creation. On the other hand, through the continuous study of the said issue, the rise of the concept of intelligent design occurred which is known to be the bridge between the two concepts. It falls between the two concepts. It in fact intersects the two fields of study, sc ience and theology. Based on the said view, the universe existed due to intelligent causes such as natural selection. Thus, it unites the two views (Dembski, 2002). Although, experts from both sides are questioning the said view, the message of unity can be considered as an important merit. Other philosophers such

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing Management - marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Management - marketing plan - Essay Example Prior to the study conclusion and business recommendation, the forecasted sales on behalf of Apple and Vodafone will be discussed. Apple’s iPhone is considered as one of the fastest-selling telecommunications product as part of the history. (, 2007) In line with the different countries with the legal right to sell iPhone, Apple had chosen a single phone network to exclusively provide the service for the iPhone handset. During the first quarter of 2008, Apple made a confirmation that iPhone will be released in Australian market within the year. (Lake, 2008) Recently, Vodafone has announced that the company will be selling Apple’s iPhone to customers all over Australia during the last quarter of the year with the condition that customers will be required to use the Vodafone network. (Vodafone, 2008a & 2008b) However, Vodafone did not specify whether the said agreement that was signed between the company and Apple was exclusive or not. (Moses, 2008) In case the contract between Vodafone and Apple was not exclusive, there is a possibility for Telstra and Optus to have the priviledge of selling the iPhone to Australian market. As part of Apple’s main business objective, signing a contract with a single phone network in each of its target country will enable Apple to sell a large quantity of iPhone within the shortest period of time. For this study, the researcher will develop a marketing plan for Apple iPhone in Australia. In the process of conducting the study, the researcher will first describe the product followed by studing the market segmentation for iPhone. Based on the demographic profile of its target consumers, the researcher will define the potential market size for the said product. Using the PESTLE framework, the researcher will examing and analyze the external factors that may affect the

My experience Essay Example for Free

My experience Essay Over the summer, I took a trip to Mission Beach with my family and friends as we do every summer and Christmas break. Each year we always take a night to go to our favorite restaurant, Tower 21. The refreshing atmosphere, top-notch service, and mouth watering food is what we come back for and they never fail to meet our expectations. This last experience, however, was different than what we were expecting. My family and I were all very ecstatic about getting dressed up and eating delicious food after our long week of burgers and hotdogs by the campfire. When we pulled up to the valet for the restaurant we were greeted with a smile and a quick valet parking process. This was not something out of the ordinary, more of something expected. As we entered the entrance of the restaurant, again, we were greeted with friendly faces that immediately sat us at our reserved table. Our waitress then came to our table and introduced herself very nicely, just as we expected. The beginning of our meal went exceptionally well. Our waitress and bus boy even had a few personal conversations with my family making us feel even more comfortable at the restaurant. But once again, this was something that we always had the pleasure of enjoying when it came to the guest service. After our appetizers were finished, that was when the whole experience changed. Around the corner we could all see our entrees coming our way. The entrees were served with happy faces all around the table. After our waitress made sure everything had come to the table, she went back to her other tables. Each of us began to cut into our steaks in front of us. Immediately you could see disappointment on a few of my family members faces. What they expected to be a perfectly medium rare steak ended up being a medium well steak. At this moment our â€Å"experience† turned to a downward slope. My father called over the waitress to tell her about our complaint. She apologized for the over cooked steaks and had them sent back to the kitchen for new ones. The manager of the restaurant along with our waitress brought over the brand new steaks to make sure they were properly cooked. Of course, this time they were even better than perfect.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cultivation of Red Seaweed Kappaphycus Alvarezii (Doty)

Cultivation of Red Seaweed Kappaphycus Alvarezii (Doty) Cultivation of red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) in deeper-seawater of South Sulawesi, Indonesia Petrus A. Wenno Abstract. The culture of red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii in shallow water is at present increased in accordance with the necessity to multiply biomass. This economic commodity is highly demand for its polysaccharide. However, an effort to expand the cultivation area is difficult to several places. This problem may be overcome by employing some hanging rafts at different depths. This research was carried out for 49 days under three different treatments, i.e., two morphological types (green and brown), three initial seedlings (50, 100 and 150g) and five different water depths (100, 250, 400, 550 and 700 cm). The result showed significant differences in growth and biomass among three treatments (P Keywords: Kappaphycus alvarezii, deeper water, daily growth rate, biomass, carrageenan Introduction. The culture of red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii has been conducted in almost around Indonesia waters recently since it was first introduced (Adnan and Porse 1987). Normally, the culture take place in shallow waters at a depth of about 10 meters, but not all waters can be utilized for culturing. Seaweed biomass obtained through longline technique in shallow waters can produce about 12 tons acre yr-1 (Dahuri 2012). The product can reach 48 tons acre yr-1 when vertical technique is deployed in deep water (Hurtado and Agbayani 2002). Deep water area can be used as a productive culture site when meet the requirements of seeds quality, the initial weight and water depth. The utilization of deep waters should be in agreement to the status of coral reefs around the location as an essential requirement for obtaining higher biomass production (Chandrasekaran et al. 2008). High biomass production achieves through deep water culture system (Hurtado-Ponce et al. 1996) suggest that the deep water can be used for large-scale cultivation. Sahoo et al. (2002) and Sahoo and Ohno (2003) suggest that water comes from deep column is very rich in nutrients and can be used alternatively as laboratory culture media and cultivation media for Kappaphycus and other types of seaweed. However, the use of deep water has several constrains related to physical and chemical characteristics, cultivation equipment and proper environment to make it usable. As an important commodity with high market demand, cultivation of K. alvarezii requires broader area in order to meet market demand (Nurdjana 2010). There are few studies related to growth and carrageenan content generating in shallow waters (Hurtado et al. 2008; Naguit et al. 2009). However, there were not many studies dealt with growth and the yield of carrageenan in deeper waters. This study was aimed to assess the growth of K. alvarezii in deeper waters based on different strains, initial weights and depths of the waters that affect growth, biomass and the yield of carrageenan. 2 Material and Method. Seedlings of green and brown strains of K. alvarezii were obtained directly from the cultivation area in the Takalar Regency of South Sulawesi. These seeds were used after three days acclimatization. Good seeds are the young plants with their tips still sharp and in conical shape (Neish 2005). The seeds were then put at hanging raft (Figure 1) and monitored for 49 days for growth, biomass and carrageenan yield. Hanging rafts (Wenno 2014) were designed to replace hanging rope techniques (Hurtado et al. 2001). Each raft consists of two PVC pipes (L = 200 cm, à ¸ = 5 cm) filled with a mixture of concrete cement which served as the weigh. Both PVC pipes connected by two pieces of wood (H x W x L: 5 x 7 x 400 cm) at the end to form a raft. The total area of raft is 8 m2 (W x L: 200 x 400 cm). Some nylon strings (à ¸ = 4 mm) with the length of 4 m were used to connect both PVC pipes and functioning as a binding place for seaweed seeds. The distance between the nearest two strings was 20 cm. The raft was hung in the water column with the help of the buoy ropes (à ¸ = 10 mm) and was placed at different depths (100, 250, 400, 550 and 700 cm). The buoy was made of Styrofoam (H x W x L: 40 x 50 x 50 cm). During operation, the first raft was connected to the second; the second raft was connected to the third and so on until the fifth at a maximum depth of 700 cm. The hanging rafts construction was t hen tied to the anchor ropes (à ¸ = 12 mm), meanwhile the anchor was made from flour sacks filled with sand (Figure 1). buoy water line nylon ropes hangring rafts PVC with concrete cement inside sandbags anchor raft, view from above Figure1. Hanging rafts construction, viewed from frontage (Source: Wenno 2014) Seaweed seeds were then tied to the span ropes according to tie-tie technique (Goes and Reis 2010). Seedlings from different initial weights (50, 100 and 150 g) were tied to the twin knot ropes (à ¸ 1 mm). The closest distance between two nodes was 20 cm. Seeds of different strains and different initial weight (250, 500, 750 g) were placed on different rafts at different depth. Samplings were carried out for seven consecutive weeks. Data were then used to calculate daily growth rate (DGR) which was determined weekly using the following formula of Dawes et al. (1993) in Hurtado et al. (2001) as follows: à °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ·Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ºÃƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ ¦= à °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  0 1à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡ Ãâ€"100 Where : DGR = daily growth rate (%) à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡ = fresh weight at day t à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  0 = initial fresh weight t = time interval of measurement (7 days) 3 Seaweed biomass was recorded at the end of experiment and expressed as fresh weight of seaweed per unit culture area (g.m-2), and computed with the following formula: à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…’= à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡Ã¢Ë†â€™Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  0 à °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ´ Where: Y = biomass production à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡ = fresh weight atday t à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  0 = initial fresh weight A = area of 1 m2 raft. The measurement of carrageenan contents (yield) following the formula suggested in Hayashi et al. (2007) and Hung et al. (2009): à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…’à °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ¶= à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¤ Ãâ€"100 Where: YC = carrageenan content (%) à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ¶ = weight of carrageenan extract (g) à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…  Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¤ = dry weight of analysed thallus (g) Three factor analysis of variance according to Zar (1999) were used to analyse the experiment data and was performed with SPSS v 21 software. Subsequent analysis with Tukeys HSD test was computed when there were significant differences among treatments with level of significance (P Results and Discussions. Daily growth rate of Kappaphycus alvarezii shows the interaction between strain and initial weight, strain and depth, as well as the initial weight and depth which was highly significant (P0.05). Further test showed that the highest daily growth rate of green and brown strains was obtained at the initial weight of 100g, which tend to be the same (2.84%). It was related to the density of plant (Hurtado et al, 2008), leading to rapid growth in the initial weight. Daily growth rate at the initial weight of 100g was influenced by the interaction between solar radiation, temperature, nutrient and water movement (Santelices 1999), and causing absorption of nutrients faster than other initial weights. Absorption of nutrients was influenced by the density of plants (Azanza-Corrale et al. 1996). Daily growth rate of K. Alvarezii of green and brown strains tend to be the same. The highest similarity daily growth rate in green strain was achieved at the depths of 100 and 250 cm (2.55%), and the lowest one was at 700 cm depth (2.23%). The highest similarity daily growth rate in brown strain was also achieved at the depth of 100 and 250 cm (2.83%), and the lowest one was at a depth of 700 cm (2.57%). The highest daily growth rate of green and brown strains associated with the movement of water (Santelices 1999). The movement of the water at that depth was turbulent, consequently reduce the thickness of water that is not mixed in the boundary layer (Neish 2005), and the absorption of nutrients in this depth is faster. Glenn and Doty (1990) suggested that the absorption of nutrients during the fast flowing water between thalli is higher for ammonium at a lower depth than for nitrate at the higher depth. The absorption of ammonium by seaweed is more important than nitrate (Dy and Y ap 2001; Raikar and Wafar 2006). Similarly to daily growth rate, biomass production of K. alvarezii showed the interaction between strain and initial weight, strain and depth, as well as the initial weight and depth which was highly significant (P0.05). The highest biomass production of green strain was achieved for the initial weight of 100g (10,219 g.m-2), and the lowest with the initial weight of 50g (6,709 g.m-2). The highest biomass production of brown strain was found for the initial weight of 150 g (11,450 g.m-2), and the lowest one with the initial weight of 50g (7,479 g.m-2). The highest biomass production achieved was related to the density of K. alvarezii thalli (Hurtado et al. 2008) that affect the circulation of nutrients. With the initial weight of 100g the biomass production of green and brown strains gained was two times higher than the initial weight of 50g. The 4 biomass production of green strain with the initial weight of 100g was optimal and may not be increased above this initial weight whilst the biomass production of brown strain can be increased up to the initial weight of 150g. The highest biomass production of green strain can be obtained at a depth of 100 cm (9,172 g.m-2) and of brown strain at a depth of 250 cm (10,522 g.m-2). The similarity of the highest biomass production of both strains obtained at depths of 100 and 250 cm. The highest biomass production similarity of brown strain was achieved at 100 and 250 cm depth. This is related to the absorption of nutrients in the lower depths which is faster than that of the higher depth (Neish 2005). Turbulent water movement causes the thickness of the boundary layer between the water and thalli reduced and accelerated the diffusion of nutrients into thalli (Neish 2005). Biomass production of K. alvarezii was influenced by the interaction between nutrients and the movement of seawater among thalli (Santelices 1999). The yield of carrageenan in K. alvarezii shows the interaction between strain and initial weight, strain and depth, as well as the initial weight and depth and was highly significant (P0.05). The yield of carrageenan of green and brown strains was obtained with low initial weight. The yield of green strain obtained with the initial weight of 50g was higher (15.06%) than that of the brown strain (12.33%) of the same initial weight. The yield of green and brown strains was higher at the higher depths when compared to the lower depths. The highest yield of carrageenan in green strain was obtained at a depth of 550 cm (14.71%) and brown strain at the depth of 700 cm (12.18%). The highest yield of carrageenan is the result of the interaction between depth and the initial weight at a depth of 700 cm with the initial weight of 50g (14.70%), followed by the initial weight of 100 g (13.25%) and the initial weight of 150g (11.95%). The results showed that the yield of carrageenan in both strai ns was not in line with the daily growth rate. It was found that the yield of carrageenan in this study was contrarily with the finding of Hurtado et al. (2008) with a long line cultivation technique, which yields an increase in line with the daily growth rate. In this study, carrageenan yield of K. alvarezii green and brown strain increases with the depth and corresponding with the increasing level of carotenoid which obtained at the highest carotenoid level at a depth of 700 cm for both strains. Carotenoid acts as antenna pigments for absorbing light in the process of photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates. However, carrageenan yield in this study is lower than the findings of Hayashi et al. (2007) and Distantina et al. (2011). Conclusions. Daily growth rate of K. Alvarezii green and brown strains was influenced by the initial weight and tend to be reduced by an increasing of depth. Biomass production was also reduced by the increasing depth with the highest biomass of green strain obtained with lower initial weight, and brown strain with higher initial weight. The yield of carrageenan increased according to depth with the highest yield was observed at green strain compare to brown strain. To obtain higher biomass and carrageenan yield, cultivation should be done at a lower depth for green strain and at a rather lower to higher depth for brown strain. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by BPPS grant of DGHE from Ministry of Education and Culture Affair of Republic of Indonesia. The author would like to thanks Mr. Akrim Djusdil, Chairman and Mr. Mus Mulyadi, Analyst of PT. Bantimurung Indah in Maros Regency of South Sulawesi for their help; and thanks also to Daeng Bani the seawee

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fashion in 60s Essay -- essays research papers

If you look back through the past sixty years of fashion, you may notice a pattern. People may say that the true years of fashion began in the late nineteen forties and went on through the early nineteen sixties. If you look at fashion today, its almost repeated the look from sixty years ago. In each generation fashion trends become based on history and/or important events. in the nineteen forties fashion was being modeled by the military wear. World War II caused a drastic change in the way clothes were being made and worn. In the nineteen fifties Americans admired the fashion of movie stars and music artists. Media had a strong influence on the wordly trend. The people of the sixties expressed there personalities and emotions through there clothing. They wanted to look independent. By looking at these three generations, we can reflect on how fashion today maybe repeating itself. It is worthless to discuss fashion of the forties without first understanding the tremendous impact World War II had on everyday life during the early part of the decade. World War II changed the world of fashion forever. Severe restrictions were imposed on the apperal industry by the government (Keogh). For men the tailored silhoutte, with padded shoulders and a narrow waist and hips, were essentially frozen until the late nineteen forties (Keogh). Women were forced to recycle there clothing, or hand them down to other women when the clothing was not being used for example, the wedding dress, It was a way of conserving fabrics(Thomas). Most fabrics at the time were purchased " ready made". This meant that the fabrics were already sewn together to be worn. In some areas where blot fabrics could not be purchsed or blockades prevented shipments. Women would use the art of sewing, or making there own clothing by putting fabrics together. This was a more detailed but less expen sive way to get clothing (Thomas). The fabrics for clothing during the time of war that were being worn were very dull. Because of the depressing times women and men simplified there clothing. Fabrics were available mostly as solid colors, stripes, and plaids (Thomas). In an effort to comply with the restrictions imposed on them, American designers created a new style of suits for women. Skirts were short and straight topped by short jackets of twenty-five inches or less in length. Cardigans match... ...hen women tried to look like men, now in the sixties men had long hair and almost looked like women. The 60's were a time of change and challenge. They brought hippies, space age, folk music, and the Beatles. Women's skirts got shorter, men's hair got longer, and everyone talked about love. The 60's was characterized by the feeling that a break with the past had been achieved. Clothes, furniture, and products all looked newer, brighter, and more fun. The swinging 60's were at their height. Fashion in the 60's tended to encourage exhibitionism. Music and Media played a big role in fashion. Mary Quant was the fashion designer and entrepreneur responsible for the "London Look" of the 60's. A music group named the Beatles was a reason why london fashion became the new rage. Women and men adored the look for there favorite music group. The London look consisted of She was the inventor of the min-skirt and hot pantsShe proclaimed "good taste is death, vulgarity is life" and summarized the fashion of the 60's as "arrogant, aggressive and sexy." Although she is still designing today, she is largely known for her 60's creations.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

steroids :: essays research papers

Twenty years ago, when I was a competing professional athlete, I spoke publicly of the frustration of feeling pressured to use anabolic steroids. I felt pressured to compete in an environment where I and many others believed there was an unbridled problem. I mentioned the prevalence of use in adolescents and commented on the training advantage using these drugs gave competitors. At that time, NFL management denied the extent of the problem and little was done. The NFL, to its credit, in 1987 started its non-punitive testing program and proclaimed it was considering random testing. In 1988, in a Sports Illustrated commentary, I predicted the failure of random testing, citing obvious loopholes, and questioned the overall concern of the fans. I solicited the ire of some in the sports media when I suggested medical supervision as an alternative to faulty drug testing. However, you can't monitor a drug problem medically that society wants to pretend doesn't exist. Another issue I wanted to bring forward was urging people to keep the health effects of these drugs in perspective, as well as the sports world's tendency to define this as primarily a public relations issue. I still wonder why some of the reporting of my situation either ignored or minimized some of my known lifestyle heart risk factors (alcohol abuse, for example) in preference to highlighting steroids. Happily, the severity of my health issues and my former addictions are a thing of the past. In the wake of the BALCO scandal and the revelations in Major League Baseball, do any of these issues ring familiar? None of the BALCO athletes (clients of the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative) have ever flunked a drug test. Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig is citing drops in numbers of positive tests in "announced" testing as reasons for optimism. After 20 years of researching this issue, I have earned my pessimism. Has he earned his optimism? For those paying attention at all, the BALCO investigation has reinforced the reality that athletes are using undetectable drugs. Perhaps the optimism in testing is because there is no plan B and Selig is tired of the drug allegations. In 1989, the NFL initiated random testing. This was a smart move for two reasons. First, it showed media and the public that they implemented the strongest policy that technology and the law would allow. Second, it was prior to impending legislation (the 1990 Steroid Anti-Trafficking Act) that re-classified anabolic steroids under Schedule III of the Controlled Substance Act.

Friday, October 11, 2019

English essay on Of Mice and Men Essay

Steinbeck uses an example of symbolism in the form of Candy’s dog. Re-read pages 70-76, what qualities/ values does this dog represent? Which human characteristics could be represented by these qualities/ values? Candy is the oldest man on the ranch. As he is the oldest, he has more things to worry about than the others. He has only one hand and a women’s name, and through Steinbeck’s writing, we know why this is, because he has lost his masculinity and pride. He also has a pet extremely old pet dog, which he loves and everyone loathes, as they think it is useless and suffering, Candy thinks otherwise and doesn’t want it shot. Candy’s dog, which doesn’t have a name and is incredibly old in the story, represents the fact that things that are unimportant are unknown to other people. This represents Candy as an old undervalued character that is slowly loosing value like his dog. It establishes that if you’re an old animal, then you’re in trouble. This is why Candy is so reluctant to have his dog shot because he knows what its like to be old and unwanted, but because he and his dog share the same qualities, he feels like they are close friends that rely on each other. In the book, he says ‘I’m so used to him,’ he said softly. ‘I had him as a pup.’ This shows the closeness between the two. Candy can’t bear to imagine loosing something he has been so close to for most of his life on the ranch. And has he and the dog don’t have anyone but themselves, Candy feels that he will be completely alone after the dog dies. Because Candy doesn’t want the dog to die before him, he wants to savour what he has got left. Candy and the dog are both living on borrowed time, which means as soon as the boss finds out Candy is too old to work, he’ll throw him, and Candy won’t have anywhere to go. When Candy’s dog does get shot he feels instant regret. This is because he felt he should have shot the dog, and not Carlson. Candy feels that by not doing this, he has betrayed his dog and let him down. If anyone is supposed to take responsibility over anyone, it should be their best or closest friend. He wasn’t there to comfort the dog too, he feels guilt and is let down by his actions. Some one else that is in the same position as Candy and his dog are Lennie and George. George being the strongest to the two is very protective over Lennie. He makes a point of always telling what to do, but for his own good. People at the ranch criticize George on his choice of friendship, but this is because no one else seems to have a close companionship except them and Candy and his dog. They are jealous they don’t have the privilege to have someone to rely on. George and Lennie really do count on each other, as they are planning to get some money together and buy and farm so they can grow their own food and have animals. At the end of the book, when George kills Curley’s wife, he runs away just like George told him to and hides. When George finally finds him, he knows Lennie is going to be killed by an angry mob, so he takes the matter into his own hands. He speaks to Lennie about how they’re going to live, and about rabbits, as Lennie loves them so. This way he can kill Lennie without a sore consciousness and with Lennie truly happy. The only other couple in the story are Curley and his wife, who has no name in the book. This shows that women weren’t the same status like men, and also like Candy’s dog, she doesn’t really have any value to anyone’s life in the book, so she dies along with Lennie and the dog. Though she and Curley didn’t have a good relationship, he obviously cared for her, and went crazy when she was killed. Because it was Lennie who killed her, Curley felt like it was his responsibility to kill Lennie. Curley new what his wife’s nature was like, flirtatious and open. This would make the reader think that Curley was maybe jealous that it wasn’t him that killed her, but Lennie, who is seen as the ‘village idiot’. In this novel, I think Steinbeck was trying to tell us that if you have companionship throughout the toughest times of your life, don’t count on it, because one day the other person will let you down. He also wanted to show that whoever you take companionship with; you will have to take responsibility of their death. He wanted to show the readers that in a tough time, you can’t have someone to reply on all the time you have to be independent and strong.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Miners’ Wives by Ben Shahn Essay

The Miner’s Wives by Ben Shahn takes a bitter look at one of the lifestyles of the early 20th century – that of the down-trodden coal miner. In the foreground of the picture, we see the miner’s wife referenced in the title. She carries a bleak expression, her back turned to an older woman and a child, presumably her mother and her offspring. Two men walk away into the distance, and one set of clothing hangs above, unclaimed by its owner. The woman has just been informed of the mining accident which claimed her husband’s life. Shahn says much about the mining life through the composition of his painting. His focus is on the woman who has just lost her husband. She stands off-center, not crying or hysterical, but with an expression of shock and numbness. This isn’t the first time she’s experienced this kind of pain. The presence of her mother suggests that she has lost a loved one before, presumably her father. Even the method he uses to paint her, distorted, inproportionate, and unidealized, emphasizes her station in life. She has lived a hard life, and her face shows it. The red brick wall behind her expresses the anger and torment she’s feeling. It has to, because she must remain stoic for both her child and the world at large. She can’t rage at the mining company, and she must not let her child see fear, so Shahn gives this wall the most brilliant, angry color he can muster to express what she’s feeling. The wall is also a divider, separating the wives’ miserable, lonely existence from that of the mining bosses who calmly walk away. Having given her the news, they feel they’ve done all that needs to be done for this woman. Their facelessness emphasizes the fact that these men are interchangeable in the minds of the women, all alike. They rob the women of everything: their husbands, their livelihoods, and their dignity. The three generations in the room point out the nature of mining work as a family tradition. In fact, the miner’s legacy hangs overhead, the coat still attached to its hook long after its owner is gone. The elder’s husband was  probably a miner, the woman’s husband was a miner, and the presence of the child suggests that even the next generation will follow that path, despite the pain and injury all around. Such was often the case with mining. Limited mobility and limited opportunity often forced one generation after the next into the mine, and many families died generation after generation, either in the mine or from the mine, with diseases like black lung. Shahn makes a bold statement about how much the mining industry cost for those who went down into the mines every day. His characters appear placid, but they speak volumes about the lifestyle endured by not just the miners, but also their families.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 12

Case Study - Essay Example Edward Alexander wants to invest in real estate, thus building equity based future. He believes that increasing his return would be best done by managing his own investment. He thinks that paying someone for rent is a not a smart idea since it’s simply a waste of money. Alexander wants to invest in the popular Beacon Hill area and thus he initiated a thorough search about the area. He found out that the value of the area is increasing rapidly due to the natural advantages surrounding it such as Charles River and public parks. The properties were listed in the market from $299,000-2.4 million dollars. The rent for a one bedroom apartment in that area ranges between $1100-1600 per month and the two bedroom apartment ranges from $1600-$2100. Alexander has $80,000 cash and the required investments about 21.5%. Thus, Alexander needs $70,000 in cash. Alexander decided to invest in a complex priced at $350,000 that needs renovation of $165,000, he decided to invest his $80,000 and get a $19,000 from an investor and take a mortgage loan of $450,000. Taking into consideration of miscellaneous costs and fees that totaled $549,000, consequently, a mortgage higher than $450,000 would result in a higher interest of $2000 during renovations. This paper will analyze Alexander’s options with regard to this property. And provide forecast of the most important financial ratios. The cases regarding to Alexander Edward, who is a graduate from Harvard College, and recently working in a biotech firms since four years. Due to the good knowledge of the location, and his perspective to give a hand in real estate business included their urge to have a home a good location, he started to explore the location with all possible sources. The business in the sector is on its peak and growth is very good since last ten years. The home liked by Alexander is almost priced at $500,000

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

John Stuart Mill's principle of liberty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

John Stuart Mill's principle of liberty - Essay Example I prefer this definition of public policy because it establishes a direct connection between expectations of a society and the effectiveness of their embodiment by governments. With such observations in mind, let us try to find out to what extent, if at all, John Stuart Mill's principle of liberty is a workable and attractive basis for public policy in light of real-life challenges. ... ills principle to public policy, because in the latter case we may fail to exactly identify aspects of the principle that cause difficulties in its practical implementation as a basis for public policy. Besides, the fact Mill himself differentiated between the spheres of application of the principle of liberty in positive (freedom for personal development) and negative (knowledge that our freedom from harmful interference of others is protected) ways suggests that for him, as a utilitarian, this differentiation was needed in order to provide a practically applicable frame for his moral philosophy. Indeed, while for Mill the maximisation of happiness serves as the moral end, he realises that the task of distribution of limited amount of goods that can promote happiness requires the establishment of strict social norms violation of which should be punished for the common benefit. The first part of the Millian principle of liberty, which declares that a person has the right to do whatever he or she wants and be free from the interference from other people, stems from Mills principle of utility "grounded on the permanent interest of man as a progressive being".1 By this Mill implies that the choice of forms of governance should be based on their capacity to promote development of faculties of each individual, which would generally increase moral freedom, responsibility, and rationality among people, thus leading to more happiness. This aim is justified by the fact that free personal development is an end for each individual, and at the same time is a proper way for the whole society to thrive.1 So, it is after all the utility that dictates the best forms of social life.2 Therefore, with the personal development being the basic value, Mill states that liberty, insofar as it

Monday, October 7, 2019

Student survival guide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Student survival guide - Essay Example Actions plans are required in the present times since there is so much work that a student does. He does not get the time to study in an age of Internet and changing technological regimes. He is surrounded with so much information that studies seem to take a back step, which by all accounts is an unfortunate thing to know. A student must understand that finding the much needed information and data which could assist with his studies is indeed a task that he has to take on his own and this he could do in an effective manner if he knows which libraries he can access the information from and in what manner this search could be made possible in an effective and efficient way. For this to happen, he must ensure that he is well read with the Internet and knows how to use this technological superpower which has hit the academic world like any other, in the times of today. If he knows how to conduct correct search of data and information on the Internet, then he knows how to devise a proper plan for his studies and this indeed is half the job done and that too in a good enough manner. Personal action plans are devised in a manner that makes best use of the library searches so as to get the most productive and up to date information which is needed and these plans look at the maximization of resources as much as possible. What this means is the fact that conducting one such successful library research is the basis of extracting the needed information in the wake of knowledge acquisition and the eventual development of details related with the student’s resource. Also there must be a lot of emphasis on finding the websites which provide authentic information and not mere hearsay. This can be made use of by employing the search engines and the genuine e-libraries which are present on the World Wide Web. Academic honestly must be upheld at all times by the students so that they learn something constructive with the passage of time and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Budgeting - Essay Example Not planning earlier can bring up capacity issues; cash flow issues etc. for the organization. An estimation of costs and revenues is required to know the estimated profit. The profit is not attained in a single day. All days need to be planned to achieve those profits, daily operations are therefore need to be managed; budgeting prepares the managers for the whole day decisions, which he cannot act to on a single day basis. A clear thinking and understanding is developed. Budgeting in advance also helps determine the borrowing requirements, early relationship building with the lender, communicating earlier the borrowing needs. And reasonable budgets and forecasts to repay can build up credibility in the eyes of the lender. Once the borrowing needs are determined and committed in the pipeline, the spending timing and needs are allocated as and where required. The budgeting exercise can become hectic and set accountability for the managers. This leads to driving their focus away from the day to operations but not really. It builds up coordination and integration among the cross functional areas and within everyone in different functions of the organization. Everyone is considered accountable for his or her actions; a sense of ownership develops amongst the employees and hence a company would want its employees to be motivated enough to achieve their and company's goals. This only happens when objectives of both are aligned and employees are motivated enough to achieve the same. These overall benefits in day to day affairs. Major inputs to the master budget and usefulness of each The major inputs to the master budget are operating and the financial budget. Master budget also helps create a linkage between the two afore mentioned budgets. Each of these budgets has their own importance and none can succeed without the other. The operating budget comprises the sales budget, production budget, the direct materials budget, the direct labor budget, the factory overhead budget, the inventory budget, cost of goods sold budget, selling and administrative expense budget, and the budgeted income statement, which is the snapshot of the operations of the organization for a period. Whereas, the financial budget comprises the cash budget, the capital budget, and the budgeted balance sheet. All these inputs on a standalone basis do not have any meaning until seen within the full picture. Sales budget will determine the top line for the company and production budget support sales because it has to be determined how many units are to be produced to support that level of sales. Materials, labor and overhead determine the costs, similarly the selling and administrative expenses. The inventory budget helps in knowing how many units are carried from the earlier period and how many will fulfill the demand for the period. Financial budget takes care of the funding aspect. Why would a company want to create a master budget There are many purposes that a company can serve by developing master

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Eco Bus Cultural Differences and Marketing Strategy Essay

Eco Bus Cultural Differences and Marketing Strategy - Essay Example †¢Ã‚  Company A is a US based Company, the culture usually followed there is â€Å"democratic management†. The opinions of all concerned parties are considered before the decision is taken unlike in the Taiwan management where dictatorial style is followed and it would not be considered proper if an employee intervenes in the management’s key decision. Therefore while operating there, the most important decision for the A company would be the hiring of the Manager. If a local manager is appointed, he shall have more knowledge of the local markets and will be able to communicate more properly. Company A has to focus its attention to create an environment where the employees will participate in the decision making process and the Manager has to learn to give importance to the ideas generated by the employees even in the lower chain of command. He has to learn to accept that he will gain respect with his abilities as a manager and not because.†¢Ã‚  Company A may also appoint a Manager who does not belong to that culture. For example, he may be transferred here because of his interactive managerial skills and analytical decision making. Such manager will already have an idea of the Company’s procedures but he may face difficulty in adjusting into the new culture. First is the communication barrier that will be a hindrance but it may be overcome by appointing a manager who knows the language. Secondly, he has to cultivate the concept of  Ã¢â‚¬Å"idea-sharing† .... armonious environment but they expect to be given directions by the senior team member, but when working with a Taiwanese team one has try to avoid incidents that may cast a member in bad light in front of other members of the group. 11. Language barrier is yet another obstacle. One has to understand Mandarin Chinese (the official language) or Taiwanese, a southern Fujian dialect to communicate with them. (World Business Culture) Impact of identified issues on the Company A approach: Company A is a US based Company, the culture usually followed there is â€Å"democratic management†. The opinions of all concerned parties are considered before the decision is taken unlike in the Taiwan management where dictatorial style is followed and it would not be considered proper if an employee intervenes in the management’s key decision. Therefore while operating there, the most important decision for the A company would be the hiring of the Manager. If a local manager is appointed , he shall have more knowledge of the local markets and will be able to communicate more properly. Company A has to focus its attention to create an environment where the employees will participate in the decision making process and the Manager has to learn to give importance to the ideas generated by the employees even in the lower chain of command. He has to learn to accept that he will gain respect with his abilities as a manager and not because of his position. Company A may also appoint a Manager who does not belong to that culture. For example, he may be transferred here because of his interactive managerial skills and analytical decision making. Such manager will already have an idea of the Company’s procedures but he may face difficulty in adjusting into the new culture. First is the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Policy of Containment Essay Example for Free

Policy of Containment Essay Americans believe that if Franklin D. Roosevelt would have lived longer, that he would have been able to stem the tide of tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States. His successor lacked greatly the Talent of FDR. The new president, who was more comfortable with machine politicians than with polished New Dealers, liked to talk tough and act defiantly. Truman complained that the U.S. Negotiations had been a one way street just ten days after he took office. He then vowed to not baby the Soviet no longer. A crisis in the Mediterranean prompted President Truman to show his colors. On February 21, 1947, amid a civil war in Greece, Great Britain informed the U.S. State Department that it could no longer afford to prop up the anti-Communist government there and announced its intention to withdraw all aid. Truman concluded, Greece, Turkey, and perhaps the entire oil-rich Middle East would fall under Soviet control, without U.S. Intervention. On March 12, 1947, the President made his argument before Congress in bold terms: At the present moment in world history, nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life One way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished be free institutionsand freedom from political oppression. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed on the majority And the suppression of personal freedoms. Never mentioning the Soviet Union by name, he appealed for all-out resistance to a certain ideology wherever it appeared in the world. The preservation of peace and the freedom of all Americans depended, the president insisted, on containing communism. Congress approved a $400 million appropriation in aid for Greece and Turkey, which helped the monarchy and right-wing military crush the rebel movement. Trumans victory buoyed his popularity for the upcoming 1948 election. It also helped to generate popular support for a campaign against communism, both at home and abroad. The significance of what became known as the Truman Doctrine far outlasted  the events in the Mediterranean: the United States had declared its right to intervene to save other nations from communism. As early as February 1946, foreign-policy adviser George F. Kennan had sent an 8,000-word long telegram to the State Department insisting that Soviet fanaticism made cooperation impossible. The USSR intended to extend its realm not by military means alone, he explained, but by subversion within free nations. The Truman Doctrine described the differences between the United States and the Soviet Union as absolute and irreconcilable, as an ideological breach that resonated far beyond foreign policy. It was now the responsibility of the United States, Truman insisted to safeguard the Free World by diplomatic, economic, and, if necessary, military means. He had, in sum, fused anti communism and internationalism into an aggressive foreign policy. The Truman Doctrine complemented the European Recovery Program, commonly known as the Marshall Plan. On June 5, 1947 the plan was introduced in a commencement speech at Harvard University by secretary of state and former army chief of staff George C. Marshall. The plan sought to reduce hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos and to restore the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole. Although Marshall added that our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, the plan that bore his name additionally aimed to turn back both socialist and Communist electoral bids for power in northern and western Europe while promoting democracy through an economic renewal. The most successful postwar U.S. Diplomatic venture, the Marshall Plan supplemented the Bretton Woods agreements by further improving the climate for a viable capitalist economy, in western Europe and in effect bringing recipients of aid into a bilateral agreement with the United States. Western Europe nations, seventeen in all, ratified the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which reduced commercial barriers among member nations and opened all to U.S. Trade and investment. The plan was costly to Americans, in its initial year taking 12 percent of the federal budget, but effective. Industrial production in the European nations covered by the plan rose by  200 percent between 1947 and 1952. Although deflationary programs cut wages and increased unemployment, profits soared and the standard of living improved. Supplemented by a multimedia propaganda campaign, the Marshall Plan introduced many Europeans to American consumer goods and lifestyles. The Marshall Plan drove a deeper wedge between the United States and the Soviet Union. Stalin was invited to participate but he denounced the plan for what it was, an American scheme to rebuild Germany and to incorporate it into and anti-Soviet bloc that encompassed all western Europe. The president readily acknowledged that the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine were two halves of the same walnut. The policy of containment depended on the ability of the United States to back up its commitments through military means, and Truman invested his faith in the U.S. Monopoly of atomic weapons. The U.S began to build atomic stockpiles and to conduct tests on the Bikini Islands in the Pacific. By 1950, as a scientific adviser observed, the U.S. Has a stockpile capable of somewhat more than reproducing World War II in a single day. The U.S. Military analysts estimated it would take the Soviet Union three to ten years to produce an atomic bomb. In August 1949, the Soviet Union proved them wrong by testing its own atomic bomb. There is only one thing worse than one nation having the atomic bomb, Noble prize-winning scientist Harold C. Urey said, thats two nations having it. The United States and Soviet Union were now firmly locked into the Cold War. The nuclear arms race imperiled their futures, diverted their economies, and fostered fears of impending doom. Prospects for global peace had dissipated, and despite the Allied victory in World War II, the world had again divided into hostile camps.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

A Ratio Analysis Of WH Smith

A Ratio Analysis Of WH Smith As a public limited company majority of the funds available for WH Smith to operate at any point in time is provided by owners in form of share capital and several forms for capital reserves and retained earnings. But for the purpose of this analysis, share capital will be referred to as funds provided by owners, which was  £35million for both 2008 and 2009. However it is important to note that the total equity increased from  £161m in 2008 to  £188m in 2009. The main reason for this was in increase in the retained earnings from  £329m in 2008 to  £365m in 2009. FUNDS PROVIDED BY CREDITORS Non -current liabilities (including trade and other payables, tax obligations, bank overdrafts and borrowings and short-term provisions) added up to  £303m in 2008 and  £281m in 2009, while non-current or long-term liabilities amounted to  £24m in 2008 and  £25m in 2009. Thus, total liabilities and accrued payments reduced from  £327m in 2008 to  £306m in 2009. This is largely due the fact that  £25m bank overdrafts were drawn in 2008 while no overdrafts were drawn in 2009. This means WH Smith is relying mainly on retained earnings and share capital as the major source of cash for the business year. PROFITABLITY Profitability measures the profit margin of the business (WH smith) in a financial year. In this analysis however, the profitability of WH Smith will be calculated and compared for the 2008 and 2009 financial years by relating pre-tax profit as a percentage of sales; and also pre-tax profit as a percentage of fixed asset. This can be represented using the formula below: CONCLUSION WH Smith has improved its profit margin by a small percentage of 0.5% in 2009 from 5.62% to 6.12% as a result of more sales in higher margin categories such as confectionery and books. This means that out of  £100 sales the company made  £5.62p in 2008 and  £6.12p in 2009. Fixed assets generated 4.57% more profit in 2009 than in 2008, which signifies a more efficient use of capital and fixed assets. Thus we can conclude that the company is being managed well despite stiff competition from other large companies such as Borders and the prevailing economic circumstances. GROWTH Turnover Increase total sales reduced from  £1352m in 2008 to  £1340 in 2009 Profit after tax increased from  £59m in 2008 to  £64m in 2009 Total fixed assets reduced from  £247m in 2008 to  £232m in 2009 CONCLUSION From the above point we can conclude that total sales and total fixed assets have reduced considerably between 2008 and 2009, whereas, profit after tax has increased. This signifies that WH Smith is not focused on growth at the present (due to the prevailing economic conditions), rather they are focused on consolidation and profit maximization (which in essential in the survival of any business especially in the short run). This was done by getting rid of unused or unnecessary fixed assets e.g. properties, plants and equipment was reduced from  £177m in 2008 to  £163m in 2009 and utilizing the available resources efficiently. TRADING PERFORMANCE The performance analysis of any company does not carry adequate validity without making reference to the performance of other companies in the same sector, because a comparison of its performance must be measured against that of its competitors. Trading performance is calculated by using the gross profit as a percentage of share holders funds: Earnings per share for 2008 and 2009 were 35.3p and 41.3p respectively. Please refer to page 9 of the financial statement for details. CONCLUSION In an industry where demand and sales are greatly influenced by consumer income and demographics, the performance of WH Smith will depend largely on the marketing strategy and their ability to offer specialized products at lower prices. In 2008 WH smith had a return on share holders fund for 2008 was 47.20% while it was -1.93 for ltd for the same year. At the end of the financial year, earnings per share went up 17% from 35.3p to 41.3p LIQUIDITY Current ratio also known as the working capital ratio measures the amount of cash available to a business in form of stock and creditors and is referred to as the working capital. WH Smith has been able to increase its level of liquidity from 0.8 in 2008 to 0.93 in 2009. This increase could be attributed to an increase in the bank balance from  £22m in 2008 to 47m in 2009 however, not a large proportion of resources were tied up in stock during the same period as inventories only increased by  £4m from  £147m in 2008 to  £151m in 2009. However, WH Smith was able to increase its ability to meet short-term obligations and settlement of a major proportion of their current liabilities. It is important to note however that the ratio of current assets to current liabilities is still less than 1, this means that WH Smith still needs to improve on these figures further by reducing the total current liabilities or increasing their total current assets. Although it is widely believed that a reasonable current ratio should fall between 1.5:1 and 2:1, given the prevailing economic conditions in this period, we can safely conclude that WH Smith is doing exceptionally well. Also, the liquid ratio reveals that a large amount of resources are tied up in liquid form, which could affect the companys performance in the long run if the sales is not improved upon. SAFETY Gearing Gearing measures the relationship between a companys capital employed and its long time liabilities. It gives us an idea of any companys ability to pay back its long term liabilities. However, the acceptable gearing ratio for most companies is 50%, but the lesser the better. It is calculated as follows: WH Smith has been able to reduce the gearing of the business 1.81% from 14.90% to 13.29% and the gearing ratio for both 2008 and 2009 is almost at zero, this means that WH Smiths propensity to generate profit and returns on capital employed is high. Therefore, shareholders can expect some dividend at the end of the business year. Also, the business will not have to struggle to service long term liabilities (e.g. loans with interest) especially in bad years. EFFICIENCY This is also known as return on capital employed and is used to measure how effective a business has used its available resources to generate profit within a certain period. It is usually represented by the formula below: It can be deduced from the above figures that WH Smith has been able to use their fixed assets more efficiently in 2009 than in 2008 by 3.3%, despite the reduction in the total amount from  £247m to  £232m. Although the efficiency of the total assets has hardly improved in the same period, with the difference being 0.7%, the most noticeable increase in efficiency is that of fixed assets which has increased by 3.3%. CONCLUSION In the year ending 31 August 2009, WH Smith recorded a total (including non-book sales) turnover of  £1,340m which was lower than  £1,352m recorded in the previous year. Pre-tax profit increased from  £76m in 2008 to  £82m in 2009. And also, earnings per share increased from 35.3p in 2008 to 41.3p in 2009 Total sales reduced to  £1,340m from  £1,352m in 2008 (where like for like sales dropped 5%, travel sales grew by 8% and high street sales also dropped by 5%). Whereas, WH Smith has improved its profit margin by 0.5% in 2009 from 5.62% to 6.12%. This improvement in gross profit margin was enhanced by tight cost control and a reduction of the total fixed assets. WH Smith has also been able to increase its level of liquidity from 0.8 in 2008 to 0.93 in 2009. This increase could be attributed to an increase in the bank balance from  £22m in 2008 to 47m in 2009. Although a substantial amount is still tied up in stock, which could be a problem in the future. Therefore, WH Smith needs to come up with sale strategies that will quickly clear up the stock. In 2009 however, WH Smith was able to increase its ability to meet short-term obligations and settlement of a major proportion of their current liabilities. Although, WH Smith still needs to improve on these figures further by reducing the total current liabilities or increasing their total current assets. WH Smiths propensity to generate profit and returns on capital employed is very high with gearing being reduced by 1.81% from 14.90% to 13.29%, and also, the gearing ratio for both 2008 and 2009 is almost at zero, this means that shareholders can expect some dividend at the end of the business year even in bad years (Dividend per share increased to 16.7p in 2009). Also, the business will not have to struggle to service long term liabilities (e.g. loans with interest) especially in bad years. Finally it is worthy of note that WH Smith has been able to employ their fixed assets more efficiently in 2009 than in 2008 by 3.3%, despite the reduction in the total amount from  £247m to  £232m. RECOMMENDATIONS WH Smith is doing very well given their financial performance in the past year despite the prevailing economic circumstances. It is important to note that a large proportion of WH Smiths profit in the 2009 financial year was generated from the travel business (which includes outlets in train stations, airports, highway service stations etc.) where total sales increased by 8% driven mainly by new business wins and acquisitions. Therefore, WH Smith should focus on setting up more travel shops in areas not yet covered. Competition to sell the highest number of bestsellers is tough, as high-street bookshops are being undercut on price by supermarkets and online booksellers. Publishers appear to be offering supermarkets and online booksellers the highest discounts on their highest-profile books, allowing lower prices to be offered in these outlets. -Isla Gower ed. 2008, marketing report, pg1 Another important area that WH Smith should focus on is the online book sales, which makes companies like ltd a major competitor. Although WH Smith already sells books online, there should be more marketing and promotion in this area, which would eventually lead to a market expansion if harnessed properly. Also, the digitization of books through the use of e-books has made remote downloads and print-on-demand possible, and this has remarkably reduced the cost of production and can easily put booksellers such as WH Smith out of business.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Womens Role In The Economy Essay example -- essays papers

Womens Role In The Economy â€Å"The Transfer of Women’s Work from the Home to the Market† â€Å"The transfer of women’s work from the household to commercial employment is one of the most notable features of economic development† (Lewis, Historical Perspectives on the American Economy P. 550). In colonial America there was a distinct sexual division of labor. Men were property owners and heads of households. A man’s responsibilities included staple crop farming, hunting, and skilled craftsmanship in order to produce commodities for market (An Economic History of Women in America Pp. 30-33). Women were responsible for a variety of different jobs. In the home and the fields women ensured the survival of the family. They were responsible for child rearing, housework, food processing, cloth and clothing manufacture, candle and soap making, household furnishings, and farm chores (EHWA P. 31). A few unmarried women would work outside the home as domestics or farm servants. Women would also handle the sale of handicrafts and household manufacture. In the early nineteenth century only a very small fraction of women in the United States worked in the agricultural, industrial, and service areas of the market sector. Wages of women relative to those of men were exceptionally low within the area of agriculture. With the spread of industry, relative wages for women increased, and their employment appeared to be linked to the technological advances of the factory system. As the country became more industrialized, more women began to work outside the home, in factories and in the clerical sector, and their wages began to increase relative to the wages of men. Late in the nineteenth century there was a rising demand for clerical workers. By 1890, only 18.2% of adult women participated in the labor market. Of that 19%, 40.5% were single women (aged between fifteen and twenty-four). Only 4.6% were married women. (HPAE P. 560) It was not until the twentieth century that married women entered the labor force in any substantial way. They first entered the labor force in the 1920’s when they were young, and later in the 1940’s and 1950’s, in their post-child-rearing years. There have been important gains in the participation of married women in the labor force, with particular age groups, or cohorts, affected during particular decades. I... ...ed women in America’s past frequently came from an economic necessity, but it has also implied economic autonomy. The rise of economic independence for women has resulted in many social and societal changes such as the formation of wider and less family-dependant social networks, a greater chance for marital dissolution, and the possibility of less constrained and structured gender roles (HPAE P. 571). Today, there are almost as many women in the work force as there are men. It is now a rarity for a woman to work exclusively within the home. In our current economy it is almost a necessity for both the man and woman to work outside the home in order for the household to survive. It was interesting to learn about the economic factors affected women’s participation in the work force in the past and relate that to women’s role in the work force today. Bibliography: Matthaei, Julie A. An Economic History of Women in America: Women’s Work, the Sexual Division of Labor, and Development of Capitalism. New York: Schocken Books, 1982. Whaples, Robert and Betts, Dianne C. Historical Perspectives on the American Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play :: Waiting for Godot Essays

Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samuel Beckett's stage plays are gray both in color and in subject matter. Likewise, the answer to the question of whether or not Beckett's work is Absurdist also belongs to that realm of gray in which Beckett often works. The Absurdist label becomes problematic when applied to Beckett because his dramatic works tend to overflow the boundaries which scholars attempt to assign. When discussing Beckett, the critic inevitably becomes entangled in contradiction. The playwright's own denial "that there is a philosophical system behind the plays" and his explicit refusal "to reduce them to codified interpretations" suggests, one could argue, that to search for such systems or interpretations in Beckett's work is, at best, a fruitless endeavor (Beckett quoted. in McMillan 13). Let me suggest, however, that Beckett's own statements and criticisms not be taken as a deterrent to the study of his work. His objections threaten only those interpretations which "redu ce" his work. The challenge for the critic, then, is to evaluate and analyze Beckett in such a way that his works are not reduced but enhanced. The problem with designating Beckett's work as Absurdist is, precisely, that this interpretation reduces his work. When a critic describes a work as "Absurd," she does not simply mean that the work is "outrageous" or "nonsensical" or merely silly. Coined by American critic Martin Esslin, the term "theater of the Absurd" can be defined as a kind of drama that presents a view of the absurdity of the human condition by the abandoning of usual or rational devices and by the use of nonrealistic form....Conceived in perplexity and spiritual anguish, the theater of the absurd portrays not a series of connected incidents telling a story but a pattern of images presenting people as bewildered beings in an incomprehensible universe. (Holman 2) In the introduction to The Theatre of the Absurd, Martin Esslin provides a comprehensive explanation of "Absurdist" theater. He quotes Albert Camus' jThe Myth of Sisyphus: A world that can be explained by reasoning, however faulty, is a familiar world. But in a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and of light, man feels a stranger. His is an irremediable exile, because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised