Saturday, December 21, 2019

Study Guide to Renaissance Humanism - 2965 Words

Study Guide Renaissance Humanism was a threat to the Church because it D. emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity (D) Renaissance Humanism was a threat to the Church because it (D) emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity—the Bible and the writings of the Fathers of the Church. In that light, humanists tended to ignore or denounce the proceedings of Church councils and pontiffs during the middle Ages. While many Renaissance humanists denounced scholasticism, there was no inherent opposition to it, and many retained support of the late Medieval philosophy. Renaissance Humanism did not espouse atheism, nor did it advance an amoral philosophy; it tended to advance a neo-Platonism through the writings of†¦show more content†¦the Papacy feared the remnants of the Conciliar Movement (A) The response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation was delayed because the Papacy feared remnants of the Conciliar Movement, which had been evident at the Cou ncils of Constance, Basel, and Florence. This movement, based in Roman Catholic tradition, asserted that authority within the Church resided in the assembly of bishops; it challenged Petrine Supremacy and the authority of the Papacy. Rome (B) had little interest in coordinating its policy with secular leaders, although the early support of Charles V and Henry VIII was well received. By the 1530s, most intelligent Church leaders did not (C) think that Protestantism would self-destruct or that (D) the situation was not serious. The monetary situation of the Church (E) was not relevant to its taking a position against Protestantism. The Catholic Counter-Reformation included all of the following EXCEPT E. a willingness to negotiate nondoctrinal issues with reformers E) The Counter-Reformation did not include (E) a willingness to negotiate nondoctrinal issues with reformers; indeed, the Catholic Church considered all confrontational issues to be doctrinal. The Council of Trent (B) was convened in three sessions from 1545 to 1563 and reaffirmed traditional Catholic doctrines; new religious orders (D) such as the Jesuits appeared; the Papacy (C) became more assertive through its issuing of the Index of Prohibited Books in 1558–1559.Show MoreRelated The Impact of Education on the Renaissance Essay694 Words   |  3 Pagesgigantic effect that education had on Renaissance society was greatly stimulated by the new development of humanism. 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