Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Climate Change Causes, Effects And Solutions - 1774 Words

I have been hearing and reading a great deal of discussion lately on the causes, effects and solutions of global climate change. Nearly every day, scientists and politicians speak about the subject, or we hear about it in the news media. On September 23, 2014, President Obama remarked at a U.N. Climate Change Summit that â€Å"-- there’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate† (The White House). The science of climate and climate change involves many complex exchanges between the earth’s atmosphere, water, ice, soil, rock, animals and plants (DiMento 15). Climate change is a continual natural process of the earth, but it also may be affected by the activities of man. According to DiMento, author of, Climate Change: What It Means For Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren, â€Å"The fundamental issue in climate change is whether observed changes i n climate have resulted from natural or human forcing, or from some combination of the two† (43). The World Health Organization estimates that currently 150,000 deaths are caused by climate changes each year (Hodgson 115). This essay explores the process of climate changes due to natural and man made causes. Climate change is described as a long-term statistical average of all weather conditions. It represents a past summary of the range in average weather conditions that have occurred over time (DiMento 17). Climate change isShow MoreRelatedClimate Change1705 Words   |  7 PagesOutline: 1-Introduction for climate change †¢ Background information †¢ Definition of climate change 2-Body: A- The causes of climate change †¢ The causes of climate change †¢ Natural causes of climate change B- Effects of climate change †¢ Human effects on climate change †¢ Greenhouse gases effect †¢ Changing in the ecosystems. C- Solutions for climate change: †¢ Avoid cutting trees and forests †¢ The use of the renewable resources †¢ Sequestration 3-Read MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1713 Words   |  7 Pagesnot to climate change. 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