Sunday, May 17, 2020

Demographic And Socio Economic Changes - 1594 Words

Demographic and socio-economic changes effect cities, its economy and ultimately the country as a whole. Changes in demographics tells us if an area is losing or gaining population and may act accordingly to help it survive. Family patterns change over a period of time as more women go out for jobs rather than stay at home. As medical field advances, the life span of human increases and these changes can show that the median age of the population is growing. Setting up of new industries or business houses in a city might bring in the working population and help in improving the economic condition of the area. This report presents some of the demographic and socio-economic data collected from American Community Survey 1 Year Estimates for the years 2006, 2009 and 2012 w.r.t. 203 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in United States of America. These MSA have been selected as the most populated MSA in USA for the year 2012. The most populous MSA in USA included a few MSA from Puerto Rico and Alaska and was removed to focus only on Mainland USA. It was also observed that most of the MSA when plotted on the map of USA are in East USA (155 MSA). Montana and Wyoming did not have any MSA among these 203 MSA. For the purpose of this report, Microsoft Excel and Tableau where used to store, clean and plot the data. Summary Tables for the parameters which were selected to compare these MSA are presented in Table 1. Total Population: Figure 1.1 represents the Total PopulationShow MoreRelatedMacro Economy Elements1258 Words   |  6 Pages1.0 MACRO ENVIRONMENT ELEMENTS There are many factors in the macro-environment that will effect the decisions of the managers of any organization. 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